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Take a walk in the very heart of the city
Guide + Transportation
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The Moscow Metro is world-renowned for its rich ornamentation, ranging from classicism to Soviet Realism. Certain stations appear to be actual “underground palaces”. A visit to the Metro fits in with a stroll along the Arbat, a pedestrian corridor that is bordered with stores and shops and strolling portrait artists, musicians, and second-hand booksellers that maintain a permanent, living animation. Not far away from the Arbat is the impressive Cathedral...
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Discover a multi-faceted monastery
Guide + Ticket
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The Alexander Nevsky Lavra is an Orthodox monastery in St-Petersburg. It was constructed by decree of Peter the Great in 1710. Its original purpose was to house the relics of Saint Alexander Nevsky.You will discover a cathedral built in the neoclassical style with an entrance with six columns. The visit continues with the Saint Lazarus cemetery (famous people and celebrities), the Saint Nicholas Cemetery (the aristocracy of the old imperial regime), and the Tikhvin ...
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Go on a unique night trip to Kazan, 700km from Moscow. You will discov
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Go on a unique night trip to Kazan, 700km from Moscow. You will discover the most important places in the capital of Tatarstan, renowned for its cultural, ethnic and religious diversity, as well as its rich architectural heritage. You will marvel at the city's sumptuous Kremlin, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a gigantic mosque and a magnificent Orthodox cathedral.You will walk along the oldest streets of the city, including Bauman Street, where you can admir...
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Meet your guide and enjoy a typical Tatar experience at Lyaila Apa'
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Meet your guide and enjoy a typical Tatar experience at Lyaila Apa's house in a village in the Kazan countryside. Your host welcomes you to her property and will show you around the garden, courtyard and house. Glad to share her daily life with you, Lyaila tells you about her personal life, her friends, as well as her neighbours.She also makes you discover her culture with joy. You can taste the delicious Tatar dishes prepared especially for you and served ...
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Get on your bike and discover the most remarkable places in the capita
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Get on your bike and discover the most remarkable places in the capital of Tatarstan! Walk past the majestic Kazan Kremlin, the city's most famous monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Take the opportunity to admire the massive Qolsharif Mosque, inaugurated in 2005. A symbol of cultural and religious diversity in Russia, Kazan is also home to very old Christian religious buildings, such as the Church of Saint Barbara, the Cathedral of the Annunciation ...
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The Novodevichy Convent
1 hour
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Discover one of the most beautiful monastic complexes of Russia
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The Novodevichy Convent is one of the most beautiful monastic compounds in Russia. It was founded in 1524 for the women of princely families, and it is included on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list.Opening hours: Open from 10 am to 5 pm. It is closed on Tuesdays and the first Monday of each month....
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