Objectives of the site
The website www.tsarvoyages.com belongs to the company TSV France, whose trademark is Tsar Voyages. Its aim is to promote travel to Russia, especially through its section "Coming to Russia".
The site www.tsarvoyages.com also has a part "Living in Russia" offering an offer dedicated to the Expatriate clientele. Consequently, all transactions made in France (and in euros) are placed under the responsibility of Tsar Voyages France, and all those carried out in Russia (and in rubles) are placed under the responsibility of OOO "ЦАРЬ ВУАЯЖ", the Russian company based in Moscow
TSV Information
Tsar Voyages France | Tsar Voyages Russie / ООО "ЦАРЬ ВУАЯЖ" |
Registered office: 25, rue Raymond Losserand, 75014 Paris. Commercial address: 2 bis, rue Edouard Jacques 75014 Paris. Type of company: SAS with capital of € 90 000 Identification number: RCS Le Mans 523 119 014 (management number 2010 B 519). SIRET number: 523 119 014 00026 NAF Code: 7912Z Travel Agent Activity License number: IM72100010. VAT number Intra Community: FR6852311901 | Адрес (место нахождения): 107045, г. Москва, Большой Сергиевский пер., д. 19/22, стр. 1, кв. 14 Почтовый адрес: 101100, г. Москва, Милютинский пер., д. 10, стр. 1 Реестровый номер: МВТ 014474 Полное наименование: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЦАРЬ ВУАЯЖ" ИНН: 7604064401 ОГРН: 1047600800587 Общий размер финансового обеспечения: 500000 |
Insurance et Guarantees
TSV France is a member of the APST (Professional Association of Tourism Solidarity)
TSV France is an IATA approved agency (N ° 20-264064)
TSV France is a member of the MANOR group (www.marnor.fr)
TSV France is insured in RCP (civil and professional liability) with HISCOX, under the contract number HA RCP022641
The site www.tsarvoyages.com
The director of the publication: Mr. Benoit LARDY, President of TSV France.
The site, its structure, and its graphical or textual elements are the property of TSV France.
Any reproduction, total or partial, without prior authorization of TSV France, is completely prohibited and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by the code of the Intellectual property (articles L.335-2 and following).
IT and freedom
According to Article 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés", everyone has a right to access, modify, rectify, and delete data concerning them.
If you have any questions, please send your written request to TSV France -25, rue Raymond Losserand - 75014 Paris.
All data transmitted via this site is intended for the sole purpose of TSV France and can not be transmitted to a third party without authorization.
Pricing information
Rates and services advertised on this website are subject to availability on the day of booking and are subject to change.
For any questions, please refer to our general and special sales conditions, or by sending us an e-mail to France@tsarvoyages.com
In case of technical questions about the website, please contact moscow@altima-agency.com
This site was created by Altima Russia.
It is hosted by www.masterhost.ru.
© TSV France and its Russian receptive partners
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© Régis Bourault (Trans-Siberian)