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Visit one of the most legendary and important museums of the world
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The Hermitage Museum, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the most important museums in the world. It houses treasures from antiquity and the works of the grand masters of the Dutch, Italian, Belgian, and Spanish art movements assembled together in the Winter Palace, a gem of Russian baroque in itself, as well as in the buildings of the Small Hermitage, and the Old and the New Hermitage complexes.Since 2014, the famous collection of Impressionist paint...
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Don't miss the essentials of Moscow
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Discover all the must-see attractions of Moscow by transport: Red Square, Cathedral of St-Basil-the-Blessed, GUM, Kremlin, Lenin's Mausoleum, the Bolshoi theatre, Manege Square, Tverskaya Street, Sparrow Hills with its superb panorama of the historical center.Additional details: As an option, visit the famous Cathedral of St-Basil on the Red Square....
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Take a walk in the very heart of the city
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The Moscow Metro is world-renowned for its rich ornamentation, ranging from classicism to Soviet Realism. Certain stations appear to be actual “underground palaces”. A visit to the Metro fits in with a stroll along the Arbat, a pedestrian corridor that is bordered with stores and shops and strolling portrait artists, musicians, and second-hand booksellers that maintain a permanent, living animation. Not far away from the Arbat is the impressive Cathedral...
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A typical market much appreciated by Russians themselves
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It is here, in Izmaylovo, that Russians themselves come to buy the Russian dolls, wooden toys, and linen tablecloths that they decorate their dachas with. This souvenir market also hosts a "flea market" and stalls selling antiques. Visitors can also find a number of small refreshment stands and restaurants serving shashlik.Hours of operation: Open every day from 9 am to 5-6 pmPlease note: Saturdays and Sundays are busier days at the Izmailovo Kremlin, so t...
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When winter comes to Russia, there is nothing better than going for a barbecue in the wooden Snow Paradise.
Guide + Transportation + Lunch
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Departure from Moscow early in the morning to reach Sergiyev Posad. Then, transfer to the campfire in the forest (about 11 km from Sergiyev Posad). You are welcomed by Sergey who takes you by horse-drawn sleigh to the barbecue place, in the heart of the snow-covered forest. Traditional Russian lunch around the fire: you enjoy marinated meat skewers drinking tea and Russian champagne in a picturesque winter setting. The opportunity to discover traditional Russian act...
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This monastery is a must-see of the Golden Ring
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A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Holy Trinity St-Sergius Lavra is a must-see attraction of the Golden Ring. It is located 90 kilometers northwest of Moscow in the city of Sergiyev Posad. The Cathedral of the Dormition and its magnificent blue cupolas studded with stars are a symbol of this monastery, which is among the oldest and most beautiful of the Orthodox world.Founded in 1340 by Sergey Radonezh, iconographer monk and patron of saint Russia, it is here that Bo...
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Visit Moscow's most improtant art museum
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The most important art museum in Moscow occupies a white marble palace, southwest of the Kremlin. It houses a Department of Antiquities and an important Department of Paintings (including a collection of the French school from the seventeenth to the twentieth century, with works by Poussin, Chardin, Monet, Renoir, Gauguin, Matisse ...).Hours of operation: Open from 10 am to 7 pm. Closed on Mondays and the last Thursday of the month....
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