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Discover the "Russian Versailles"
Ticket + Guide + Transportation
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Greatly impressed by the pomp and ceremony of the French court, Peter the Great installed his “Russian Versailles” along the border of the Baltic Sea to commemorate his victory over Sweden. A long canal connecting to the Gulf of Finland allowed guests to reach the palace by boat, and these guests would admire the Grand Cascade, the formidable set of fountains, jets of water, and sculptures that continue to function even to the present day from mid-May to...
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Discover one of the residences of the Grand Princes, then of the Tsars
Guide + Tickets
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From the 14th century, the Kolomenskoye estate was one of the residences of the Grand Princes and the Czars. Guests can visit the Church of the Ascension, the first church made of stone in Russia, and today included on UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list. There are several other monuments and small museums throughout the verdant park. An excursion to Kolomenskoye will help you forget the noise of the city and let you immerse yourself into an atmosphere of calm a...
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The Peter and Paul Fortress is a symbol of St-Petersburg. Its foundation coincides with the creation of the city. Discover this monumental complex that has been used as a necropolis for the Tsars, since Peter the Great.
Ticket + Guide
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Your guide will pick you up at your hotel to help you discover the Peter and Paul Fortress in St-Petersburg.Peter the Great picked the strategic spot of Hare Island to lay the first symbolic stone of his new city in 1703. This military square built to protect St-Petersburg from the Swedes has several buildings including a splendid cathedral where almost all of the Romanovs are buried, including Nicholas II, who was interred there in 1998.Opening: From 10am to 6pm.Cl...
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Walking Tour from the Red Square to Teatralnaya Square
Walking tour
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It is easy to get around Moscow on foot, from the Red Square to Teatralnaya Square, to the Alexander Gardens to Zaryadye Park, or from St-Basil’s Cathedral to Kitay-Gorod. Take the time to discover the marvels and secrets of the Russian capital.Thanks to your guide and their anecdotes, you will learn more about the symbols of Russia of yesterday and today, like the Kremlin, the Duma, or the Romanov Palace....
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