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Discovering an imperial village
Ticket + Guide + Transportation
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The village of Tsarskoye Selo (“Imperial Village”) was established in the 18th century to build the summer residences of the czars. Rebaptized “Pushkin” after the Revolution, it is the location of the splendid Catherine Palace, built by the Italian architect Rastrelli by decree of Elizabeth I. The Alexander Palace was built by Catherine II on the occasion of her grandson’s marriage, the future Alexander I. It is easy to appreciate the b...
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Don't miss the essentials of Moscow
Guide + Transportation
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Discover all the must-see attractions of Moscow by transport: Red Square, Cathedral of St-Basil-the-Blessed, GUM, Kremlin, Lenin's Mausoleum, the Bolshoi theatre, Manege Square, Tverskaya Street, Sparrow Hills with its superb panorama of the historical center.Additional details: As an option, visit the famous Cathedral of St-Basil on the Red Square....
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Discover one of the residences of the Grand Princes, then of the Tsars
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From the 14th century, the Kolomenskoye estate was one of the residences of the Grand Princes and the Czars. Guests can visit the Church of the Ascension, the first church made of stone in Russia, and today included on UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list. There are several other monuments and small museums throughout the verdant park. An excursion to Kolomenskoye will help you forget the noise of the city and let you immerse yourself into an atmosphere of calm a...
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Retrace the history of Russian space exploration
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This museum retraces the scientific history of rockets and the space exploration efforts of the Soviet Union and Russia from the beginning in the 1920’s to the present day. The museum is situated at the VDNKh Park, under the impressionist monument to the Conquerors of Space, displaying a rocket thrusting bravely towards the sky.During the tour, visitors will better understand the daily life of the cosmonauts, their eating food through tubes, and the different method...
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An unforgettable day discovering the most sumptuous palaces of St-Petersburg
Ticket + Guide + Transportation
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You will take part in a day trip exploring the celebrated and sumptuous palaces of St-Petersburg. To begin with, you will walk along the beautiful tree-lined avenues of the Pavlovsk Palace, located south of the Capital of the North. Catherine II offered this magnificent palace to her only son Paul I in 1786, who made it his summer residence. Built in a Palladian style and inspired by Roman temples with white columns, the Pavlovsk Palace houses majestic buildings in ...
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Walking Tour from the Red Square to Teatralnaya Square
Walking tour
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It is easy to get around Moscow on foot, from the Red Square to Teatralnaya Square, to the Alexander Gardens to Zaryadye Park, or from St-Basil’s Cathedral to Kitay-Gorod. Take the time to discover the marvels and secrets of the Russian capital.Thanks to your guide and their anecdotes, you will learn more about the symbols of Russia of yesterday and today, like the Kremlin, the Duma, or the Romanov Palace....
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